REVIEW: Diane 35 as solution to hormonal acne
Hormonal acne is very prominent in young women. Although teenagers get regular breakouts of hormonal acne during their adolescence, I would like to talk about hormonal adult acne. Adult acne usually occurs in women during their late 20's, during menopause or sometimes in the early 20's. I am definitely not a doctor so I cant speak for everyone in this review, but what I can do is explain my experience and my reactions to using Diane 35 for acne.
In High School, I was always the girl with flawless skin. I never wore foundation and I didn't have a reason to. I only had an occasional pimple or two during that time of the month, but that cleared quickly. However, when I turned 20, everything changed. I guess some kind of imbalance happened in my hormones and I started to break out slowly but surely. At first I started getting one or two painful spots near the bottom of my cheeks. I thought it was just a bad reaction to something and I didn't do anything about it. However, after about a month or so my face was terrible. I started getting very painful cystic acne and when it did heal it left dark spots known as hyperpigmentation. I have olive skin, so the dark spots were quite dark and hard to get rid of. It was a while before I realised that something was wrong with my body and that that was the cause of the breakouts.
At first, I did a hormone test to check if that was the root of the problem. The results were clear-nothing was wrong with my hormone levels. I thought this was strange as hormonal acne usually had the same characteristics as what I had (cysts, near jawline and cheeks and in early 20's). Anyway I decided to get topical antibiotics for my face. My doctor prescribed "Dalacin T" solution which I applied day and night. It worked for a few months. However, as it is an antibiotic, the bacteria in my pimples became resistant to it and it stopped working. My face exploded again. This time it was so so much worse. My whole face was red and full of cysts. It was painful to the touch and made me really insecure. Make up couldn't cover the bulges on my face and I didn't want to leave the house at all.
Finally, I went to the dermatologist and she told me that I have severe cystic acne and that the only cure is Accutane. This scared the daylights out of me. I have done my research and everyone has said that it is a serious drug and has really dangerous side effects. Accutane basically dries up your sebaceous glands where the pimples form. However, Accutane also dries up your entire body: flaky skin, eyeballs, reproductive organs etc. Basically its really nasty. I am against such harsh medication so that's when I decided to try birth control first.
I finally realised that my acne is a hormonal problem and the only way to fix it was orally. Birth Control is meant to level your hormones so that the excess testosterone that your body produces will be "neutralised" and thus you would have less acne. After reading reviews online I decided that Diane 35 was the best option for me. It consists of 28 pills: 21 hormone ones and 7 placebo ones.
This is my 3rd month taking the pill and my acne has reduced dramatically. I no longer have cysts anywhere on my face! I haven't used any special skin care, I wash my face with Dove soap and luke warm water. Therefore, I am confident in saying that the results are all due to Diane 35. The only thing I have left now is the scarring which will take some time to fade. I will be doing light chemical peels to even out my skin tone.
Girls are always scared of going on the pill because of weight gain. I haven't had any bad side effects like nausea, cramps or headaches. I have probably gained about 1.5 KG or roughly 3 lbs. I do feel bloated a lot of the time so I guess my weight gain is due to water retention. Sure, its not nice to gain weight when you are a girl but 1,5 KG is a small price to pay for a smooth face. (at least in my opinion). The only other side effect is that my chest is very sensitive. Otherwise everything seems OK so far.
Once again I have to stress that I am not an expert and that what worked for me wont necessarily work for everyone. I am not saying that birth control is the only way to get rid of acne but I think its a better option that Accutane. If you are really desperate and you have tried everything else to no success, then maybe this is the option for you.
Hope this helped someone xox